A Very Simple ESP-12 Demonstration for Sending and Receiving Data using MQTT Protocol

This project demonstrates a very simple implementation of ESP-12 to sending ADC reading and status, and receiving command from remote user through MQTT protocol. The sent data is just a floating ADC input reading and ADC reading status, and the received data from remote user is a command to enable/disable ADC reading.

Tested on Wemos D1 Mini and Arduino 1.8.9 IDE.


There are a few dependencies required:


In Action

Here, I am using the MQTT Dashboard Smartphone App to see the data and to control the Wemos D1 through MQTT protocol.



  1. Fork it https://github.com/handiko/ESP12-MQTT-IoT-Demo/fork
  2. Create new branch (git checkout -b myfeature)
  3. Do some editing / create new feature
  4. Commit your works (git commit -m "Adding some feature blah blah blah..")
  5. Push to the branch (git push -u origin myfeature)
  6. Create a new Pull Request