
My project-based blog. Written in "readme" style.

This project is maintained by handiko

Amplifier Relay Buffer

I make a new product. Actually, this is my first product which i publicly launched to the amateur radio community. Amplifier Relay Buffer is a device to protect your radio’s PTT keying ciruit from external amplifier’s back EMF voltage. I named my product as RB-1A/L. RB-1A model is targeted to high voltage external amplifiers (TL-922, etc) and RB-1L model is targeted to the low voltage external amplifiers (solid states, Ameritron’s AL series, HL-1K series, etc). Variants of this products are for Icom, Kenwood, and Yaesu radios.

RB-1A/L is successfully tested in TL-922, Alpha, HL-1K, and Ameritron AL811.

Actually, I am quite proud of this product. This is my first “serious” product which I spent many hours to design and thought about. Product appearance is quite nice (at least for me).

Here’s the product

Functional block diagram

How to connect RB-1A/L to the radio and amplifier

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