
4-elements Yagi Antenna for 144.3 MHz - 12.5 Ohm design. Meant to be fed using a gamma match.

This project is maintained by handiko

4 Elements Yagi Antenna for 144.3 MHz

4-elements Yagi Antenna for 144.3 MHz - 12.5 Ohm design. Meant to be fed using a gamma match. This antenna won the Techno Antenna Fair 2014 - 2015 for Directional Antenna Category.



Element Length,mm (full span) diameter,mm Position,mm
Reflector 1020 4 0
Drivent element 949 10 320
Director 1 942 4 860
Director 2 922 4 1480


The simulation files are included in Yagi-4E-144/models/. The .nec file is created using 4NEC-2 and .maa file is created using MMANA-GAL

During Testing


  1. Fork it https://github.com/handiko/Yagi-4E-144/fork
  2. Create new branch (git checkout -b add-blah-blah)
  3. Do some editing / create new feature
  4. Commit your works (git commit -m "Adding some blah blah blah..")
  5. Push to the branch (git push -u origin add-blah-blah)
  6. Create a new Pull Request