
This is an OOT Module for Receiving Balerante Telemetry transmission in GNU Radio

This project is maintained by handiko

gr-Merapi - A GNU Radio Block for Telemetry

This project is about an SDR based decoder which runs on the GNU Radio software to receive telemetry transmission from the Balerante Station (Mt. Merapi). This transmission contains 6 data fields (horizontal & vertical vibration, temperature, humidity, rain measurement, and sulphuric compound gas. The data protocol was made by Mr. Angga and sponsored by PT. Data Asia Technology and Sensor and Telecontrolling Systems Lab., Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Tested on GNU Radio 3.7.10 and Ubuntu 16.04


There are a few dependencies required to compile this project, which are:

Here are the steps required to install them:


This project is built using the gr_modtool which bundle up all the script into an installable module. To install, just open up the Terminal and run:


There is a .grc example included in gr-Merapi/examples. Open it up in GNU Radio companion by typing:

The Flowgraph:

When it runs, it will receive the telemetry signal at 433,250 MHz from Mt. Merapi (given that you are in the signal coverage area).

If the demodulation process success, the following waveform would appear periodically:

By telnet-ing to localhost 52001, you would see the received sensor values

The values are logged as a CSV file in your home folder



  1. Fork it
  2. Create new branch (git checkout -b add-blah-blah)
  3. Do some editing / create new feature
  4. Commit your works (git commit -m "Adding some blah blah blah..")
  5. Push to the branch (git push -u origin add-blah-blah)
  6. Create a new Pull Request